Night Guards

Dr. Karen M. DePaoli provides custom night guards to treat TMJ disorders and bruxism (teeth grinding). These conditions can have a significant impact on the quality of your day-to-day life, damaging your teeth and supporting structures, contributing to migraines and making normal activities such as yawning and chewing painful. Night guards help protect your teeth so that you avoid further damage and can enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle. Call DePaoli Dentistry at (714) 441-2372 to learn more about night guards in Fullerton and North Orange County, California, and to schedule a consultation with our caring dentist.


Dentists provide patients with night guards to minimize the impact of grinding while sleeping. Also referred to as bruxism, teeth grinding and clenching can cause significant damage, pain and even necessitate dental procedures. There is a chance you have bruxism yet you might be unaware of it as you can’t see the teeth way back in your mouth. If you are unsure, suspect or know you have bruxism, contact us today at (714) 441-2372 to schedule an appointment.

Our dentist will custom tailor a night guard for your mouth. Night guards are prescribed for patients who either clench or grind their teeth while sleeping. The night guard provided through our dental practice is made with high-quality materials that are drastically superior to that used for the generic guards available at local stores. So don’t subject your mouth to cheap plastic unlikely to last any longer than a year. Opt for a custom night guard and you will rest easy knowing your teeth clenching or grinding is not causing damage.